Manhattan Cricket League

 City   : Marietta,Georgia,United States
 Sport : cricket    |   Type : Hard Tennis Ball    |      Overs : 15 overs
 Teams : 17
 Followers : 36
 Sponsors : 15

cricket teams you manage
# Name Team Name Matches Batting Bowling Fielding #MoM Total
Item Points
1 Runs 2
25 Runs +20
50 Runs +40
75 Runs +60
100 Runs +100
1 Four +2
1 Six +4
1 Wicket 20
1 Maiden +10
3 Wickets +20
5 Wickets +40
1 Catch 10
1 Stumping 10
1 Runout 10

Points are awarded to players according the to above table